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China's textile industry two integration conference released a new signal
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In order to promote the high-quality development of the national textile industry, constantly meet the growing needs of the people for a better life, take the initiative to grasp the new opportunities of the integration of the two, and promote the transformation of the textile industry to high-end, intelligent and green, on July 26, 2024 China Textile Industry Integration Conference was held in Yibin City, Sichuan Province. The conference is sponsored by the China Textile Industry Federation, the Information Department of the China Textile Industry Federation and Yibin Silya Group Co., LTD.

Representatives of relevant departments and professional associations of China Textile Industry Federation, relevant leaders of direct departments (units) of Sichuan Province and Yibin City, more than 400 authoritative experts and scholars and industry enterprise representatives from industry and information departments of provinces, cities and counties, industry associations, textile key and related enterprises gathered together to witness a new chapter in the digital transformation of the textile industry.

Implement the concept of reform and build a pattern of development

Sun Ruizhe, president of the China Textile Industry Federation, said in his speech that the textile industry is a key demonstration industry in Yibin to build a "4+4+4" modern industrial system. In recent years, Yibin has fully grasped the strategic opportunity of east spinning and west spinning, and a number of excellent enterprises such as Silya have emerged, which has become the strategic fulcrum of the rise of western textile in the new era. The textile industry is one of the earliest industries to carry out the practice of integration of the two, and has made great progress in the fields of platform design, intelligent manufacturing, flexible supply chain, and smart marketing. As of March this year, the development level of the integration of the two industries has reached 62.2. China Textile Federation overall national strategy and industry reality, issued the "Construction of a modern textile industry system Action Outline (2022-2035)", the promotion of digital economy and textile industry in-depth integration of development action as one of the seven key actions, with the goal of improving quality and efficiency, to promote manufacturing technology, industrial system and business model of industrial innovation. Sun Ruizhe pointed out that to give full play to the key role of the integration of the two in promoting the new industrialization of the textile industry, it is necessary to make multidimensional efforts at the design end, product end and consumer end to guide and promote the digital transformation of enterprises, the upgrading of intelligent manufacturing and the improvement of brand quality. In this regard, he put forward three suggestions: first, to consolidate the capital and strengthen the foundation; Second, we must maintain a forward-looking layout for the future; Third, we need to strengthen coordination and improve the ecology.

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