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In 2024, the Hangyong "Tale of Two Cities" consultation and exchange event will be held
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"Woven as autumn geese outside the clouds, dyed as the color of Jiangnan spring water." A wide cut shirt with long sleeves made a skirt, and a golden bucket ironing knife cut the grain." Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, vividly describes the exquisite craftsmanship and gorgeous colors of the craftsmen in Zhejiang during the Tang Dynasty, which also reflects the superb craftsmanship of the textile industry and the beauty of clothing at that time.

In Zhejiang, this origin of clothing has been handed down to the present - Hangzhou and Ningbo are the two big cities in the forefront of the development of modern textile and clothing industry in our province, the former is the famous "women's wear capital", the latter's "Ningbo men's wear" is a regional brand with international competitiveness, complementary advantages, each has its own advantages.

Such two cities, can in the construction of modern textile and fashion clothing world-class industrial cluster to achieve strong combination? On August 13, 2024, the Hangzhou-Ningbo "Tale of Two Cities" consultation and exchange activity was held. Around this "topic", the CPPCC of Hangzhou and Ningbo carried out consultation and exchange.

What are the "gaps" that can be filled?

In 2023, the textile and garment industrial clusters of Hangyong and Ningbo have handed over a brilliant report card.

Among them, there were 1,079 enterprises in the textile and garment industry in Hangzhou, achieving industrial added value of 31.455 billion yuan, an increase of 1.87%; The total industrial output value reached 178.388 billion yuan, an increase of 2.2% year-on-year. There are 860 fashion textile and garment industry enterprises in Ningbo, with an industrial output value of 127.4 billion yuan.

"Hangzhou and Ningbo both have mature and sound industrial scale and good foundation, the world's leading full-link digital intelligence enabling advantages, as well as rich fashion education and professional talent resources advantages." Hangzhou Economic Committee of the CPPCC believes that behind the achievements is the accumulation of many years of hard work in the two major cities.

Stress goes hand in hand with performance. At present, the pace of economic globalization has slowed down, ushering in a new round of industrial changes such as technological innovation and digital transformation, and there are still many "gaps" that can be filled in the "joint" of the textile and garment industry. At the scene, the CPPCC members of the two places jointly "feel the pulse and consult" --

First of all, the depth of industrial cooperation between the two cities is insufficient, and the linkage of clusters is not enough. This is reflected in the lack of close communication between similar large enterprises, and the conscious driving role of small and medium-sized enterprises needs to be strengthened. In Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Ningbo, there are 4 universities with undergraduate degrees or above directly related to textile and garment, but the cooperation between enterprises and local professional colleges and universities has not really formed a climate, and the industry has not made full use of the rich talent resources.

Secondly, the upstream and downstream development of the fashion industry chain is unbalanced, and the brand empowerment is insufficient. Hangyong has spawned many well-known brands, but the standard London, Paris, New York and other international fashion capitals of the fashion industry and its related brand development, Hangzhou and Ningbo modern textile and clothing industry as a whole in the intermediate stage, the original high-end is relatively weak, difficult to achieve "specialized, refined, special, new" development.

The combination of the strong and the strong emphasizes a "resultant force". The CPPCC members present also believe that although Hangyong has industrial clusters with the whole industrial chain such as chemical fiber, textile, printing and dyeing and clothing, there is not yet a close supply and demand relationship between various industrial clusters, which belongs to the "complete industrial chain but weak cluster force", and the ability to drive Zhejiang and the Yangtze River Delta region and the diffusion linkage needs to be improved.

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